Training Modules
- Auto Insurance
This module explains the importance of having adequate auto insurance and prepares drivers to determine what coverage they need, shop for insurance, manage their auto insurance costs, and obtain help if they have trouble getting coverage or are dissatisfied with how their claim is handled.
November 18, 2014 - Banking Basics
This training series provides a simple introduction to the primary services offered by banks and credit unions, including checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit and debit cards. It also covers opening an account, resolving problems, the options that bank customers have and the decisions they need to make when using bank services.
January 03, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - California LifeLine
Universal LifeLine Telephone Service (ULTS), also known as California LifeLine, provides discounts on basic residential and wireless telephone service to eligible low-income households. Consumers who qualify for California LifeLine pay a fraction of the regular cost for telephone connection and monthly telephone service. This brochure explains the features and benefits of Lifeline phone service, how to apply for the program, and what you must do to continue participation.
June 15, 2009 - California Privacy Initiative
January 04, 2022 - California’s Low Cost Auto Insurance
This module provides an useful information for the Californian low-income good drivers with access to affordable liability insurance in 11 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Armenian, Japanese, Hmong, Tagalog and Cambodian.
January 31, 2008 - Cell Phone Savvy
The Cell Phone Savvy training module provides you with tools and materials that you can use to educate your clients and community about how to make wise wireless choices and avoid problems with wireless devices or service. It consists of a multilingual fact sheet, a training manual (FAQs), a lesson plan that includes class activities, a companion PowerPoint presentation, and a quiz with answer key.
October 15, 2012 - Checking/Savings Accounts
This module encourages unbanked and underbanked consumers to get checking and savings accounts, and guides them through selecting, opening, using and managing the accounts.
January 22, 2014
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Choosing a Prepaid Card
The Choosing a Prepaid Card module, which includes a four-page fact sheet, a backgrounder written in question-and-answer format, a slide presentation for group trainings and a companion lesson plan with class activities, helps consumers determine if a prepaid card will meet their needs and, if so, how to compare options and choose the best one. The module offers detailed information about the types of fees that are common on prepaid cards, how to estimate the monthly cost of a card and how to manage the card to reduce or avoid fees. If you are looking for our 2012 module, "Prepaid Cards: An alternative to credit and debit cards,” click here.
November 16, 2015 - COVID-19 Educational Resources
The coronavirus pandemic has shone a harsh light on the financial vulnerability of consumers from all walks of life. Consumer Action’s COVID-19 Educational Project offers fact sheets, webinars and resource lists to help improve the ongoing financial health of families and individuals during the pandemic. Check back frequently for new fact sheets and resource updates.
June 04, 2020 - Credit Card Fraud
This module is designed to help participants to recognize and avoid many forms of fraud that involve credit cards, such as skimming, phishing, ID theft and counterfeit cards.
January 16, 2008 - Credit Card Terms
This module is designed to help participants to understand the different types of cards available; sort through offers to choose the card that’s right for them; understand credit card terms and conditions and avoid fees and penalty rates. The series includes a multilingual brochure (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese), training manual, training guide and PowerPoint slides.
October 10, 2007 - Credit Freeze
A credit file “security freeze” is a preventive tool to help you avoid identity theft and to block impostors from using your personal information to establish credit. This module explains how to place, lift and remove a security freeze on your credit file. It includes a multilingual brochure and a backgrounder written in Q&A format.
May 19, 2008 - Credit Reports, Credit Scores and Specialty Reports
This module contains information on what goes into the credit report and score, interpreting the credit score, improving credit rating, types of specialty reports, who should request their report, how to get your reports, your rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA).
October 29, 2010 - Debt Collection
Every year, millions of consumers must deal with the consequences of delinquent debt. This module is designed to help debtors understand their rights under federal law, communicate effectively with a debt collector, avoid a judgment or garnishment, find assistance or file a complaint. It also equips consumers to avoid debt collection scams and to stop collection efforts on a debt they do not owe.
May 18, 2016
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Digital Dollars
The Digital Dollars series provides information, advice and training materials to help consumers navigate the new online economy. The series contains three multilingual brochures: Banking Online Safely; Mobile Banking and Mobile Payments; and Safety and Privacy in Online and Mobile Transactions. The brochures are accompanied by a lesson plan and PowerPoint slides that you can download.
August 16, 2011 - Disaster Coverage
This module alerts consumers to the risk of losing their home and possessions in a disaster and stresses the importance of purchasing adequate homeowners or renters insurance and, in some cases, flood and/or other types of coverage. It also presents the various FEMA disaster assistance programs, and explains what steps to take to recover your losses after disaster strikes.
April 18, 2018
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Empower U
The Empower U training module provides you with tools and materials that you can use to educate your clients and community on four key telecommunications topics: TV service, wireless phone service, Internet service and telemarketing. It consists of four multilingual fact sheets, a PowerPoint presentation and companion guide, and a quiz with answer key.
May 05, 2011 - Establishing Wireless Service
This training module helps the participant to understand the issues involved in shopping for and using cell phone service. Topics covered include wireless service plans and coverage, wireless phones, keeping your phone number when you change providers, reading a wireless phone bill, cell phones and driving, courtesy when using cell phones, preventing theft and fraud, privacy concerns and resources for information and assistance.
June 12, 2006 - Fair Housing
Everyone has the right to fair housing opportunities. This module explains what actions are discriminatory under the federal Fair Housing Act, how to file a housing discrimination complaint, and what the complaint resolution process looks like. It includes two brochures: “Filing a Housing Discrimination Complaint” and “Know the Signs of Housing Discrimination”; a lesson plan and class activities; and a PowerPoint presentation.
January 12, 2012 - Families and Credit Cards
This module is designed to help parents and trainers talk to youth about credit cards. Topics include adding cardholders to your account, secondary cardholder policies, payment options for kids while they’re traveling and helping young people understands the importance of good credit. The series includes a multilingual brochure (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese), training guide and PowerPoint slides.
October 11, 2007 - FinTech Privacy
January 21, 2021 - Good Credit
This training module covers what credit history is, what a credit report is, how to get your credit report, how to establish good credit and where to complain if you have a problem.
April 13, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Health Insurance
This module covers all types of health insurance—individual coverage purchased on or off the Health Insurance Marketplace or provided by government programs such as Medicaid, employer-sponsored health plans, and Medicare—as well as options for those who do not have access to coverage due to eligibility or affordability constraints.
November 14, 2019 - Health Records Privacy
The Health Records Privacy in California module presents the benefits and risks associated with electronic health records, explains how the information in health records can and can’t be used and disclosed, and informs patients about their rights and the steps they can take to better protect their privacy. The module includes a multilingual brochure, a backgrounder that explores the topic in greater detail, and a wallet card that can be referred to while visiting health care providers. A lesson plan, including case studies, and a companion PowerPoint presentation provide trainers with the tools to educate clients and community members.
June 18, 2013
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - ID Theft and Account Fraud
This training module covers steps to prevent ID theft, or if you are a victim, to clear up the problems created by ID theft and to lessen its impact on your life.
April 13, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Improving your financial health with FinTech
Financial technology (FinTech) offers powerful tools to tackle virtually any financial task, from creating a budget, paying bills and implementing a savings plan to improving your credit score, applying for a loan and achieving your financial goals. FinTech also can make doing all these things more efficient and convenient. The resources here will introduce you to the types of FinTech tools available, help you vet your options and make wise choices, and explain how to protect your privacy when using FinTech.
October 09, 2020 - Insurance in the Sharing Economy
The personal nature of peer-to-peer transactions might make it easy to forget about the business side of buying, selling or renting, but participants in the new “sharing economy” would be wise to make sure they have the right insurance coverage to protect themselves and their assets. This module is designed to help participants understand what coverage they have, what they need and what their options are. (A companion publication provides tax tips for sharing economy earners.)
May 19, 2017
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Internet Safety
This module outlines ways that you can protect yourself and your computer when you use the Internet and email. Also, it includes the information to protect your kids online.
February 09, 2010 - Internet Security and Privacy
This module empowers consumers to enjoy all the benefits of being online while still preserving their personal privacy, protecting their accounts and reputation, and keeping themselves and their families safe on a computer or mobile device.
October 21, 2015
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Investing Basics
If you want to outpace inflation and build wealth, you must invest! Even if you have never invested before, it’s fairly easy to learn the key principles of investing and the steps for getting started. The publications in this module will give you the knowledge you need to make wise investment choices and avoid unnecessary risks or scams.
December 07, 2022 - IP Transition
This module helps consumers understand why the transition away from traditional (copper-based landline) phone service is happening, what their Internet-based service options are and how to choose the one that’s right for them.
January 29, 2015 - Job Training Schools
This module helps prospective students understand their vocational training education options, evaluate a job training program/school, make wise choices about student loans, and find help if they have trouble making their student loan payments or believe they are a victim of for-profit school fraud.
June 14, 2016
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Keys to Homeownership
Buying a house has a steep learning curve. Homebuyers need to learn the meaning of unfamiliar terms, be prepared for unexpected costs and peruse piles of paperwork. This training module contains suggestions to help people successfully complete the many stages of the home buying process. Making sense of this complicated system can help your clients achieve the goal of homeownership.
July 25, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Low-cost Internet
In today’s world, having access to broadband internet is a necessity. Unfortunately, many low-income households are not yet connected to high-speed internet at home. The Low-cost Internet module presents the advantages of home broadband, explains how it works and how it is priced, and outlines a handful of service plans designed to make high-speed internet more affordable for low-income households.
November 14, 2016 - Military Money
This module enables servicemembers and veterans to recognize and avoid scams and abusive credit terms, identify better borrowing and banking options and understand what special consumer finance protections they may have under the law.
July 28, 2014 - Money Management 1-2-3
This module covers all aspects of money management, from personal finance fundamentals, like banking, savings, credit and debt management, to more advanced financial planning considerations, like investing, retirement planning and insurance.
Publications are available for online reading and as PDF downloads, which government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute them for educational purposes can use to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.
September 24, 2010 - Phone Services
This module is designed to help the participants choose the phone equipment and services that best meet their needs. It comes with five multi-lingual brochures, leader’s guide, training guide and powerpoint slides.
February 05, 2008 - Protecting Your Phone Records
Phone records are an important source of private information that someone might try to access without your consent for illegal or harmful purposes. This project includes materials that can help you understand who would want to access your phone records, why they might want to do it, how they try to access your private information and what you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim.
June 28, 2007 - Rebuilding Good Credit
This training module covers the importance of having a good credit, your rights if your credit application is rejected, how to check your credit report, how to dispute mistakes on your credit report and how to begin to rebuild good credit.
April 13, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Saving to Build Wealth
This training module covers information about the importance of saving, setting short- and long-term goals to promote saving, opening a savings account and ways to make your money grow faster, including certificates of deposit (CDs), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), U.S. Savings Bonds and college savings accounts.
April 13, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Savvy Online Shopping
The popularity of online shopping has grown every year for good reason. More transactions, however, means more potential for problems. This module is designed to help consumers enjoy all the advantages of online shopping while avoiding potential hassles related to products and delivery, returns and exchanges, and pricing and payments. It also addresses ways to protect personal and payment information to avoid identity theft and fraud.
January 09, 2017 - Scams
Each year, millions of consumers lose their money, their trust, their privacy and, in some cases, their safety to scammers. This module is designed to educate and empower consumers to recognize and avoid all types of scams, whether perpetrated online, by phone or mail, or in person.
June 29, 2018 - Short Term Credit
Credit can be a valuable financial tool for consumers who understand its costs and benefits and how to use it wisely. This module helps consumer to defines open-ended, or revolving, credit, including credit cards, home equity lines of credit and overdraft lines of credit, and discusses the pros and cons of using credit. It includes tips on high-cost credit to avoid.
October 29, 2008 - Social Media and Online Video Privacy
This module alerts consumers to the privacy risks inherent in using social media and video streaming technology, and offers tips and tools to help them protect their privacy while still enjoying their favorite online activities.
March 11, 2016
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Successful Homeownership
This module covers the financial responsibilities of homeownership and how to manage them, how to maintain and protect your property, and how to build and preserve your home equity.
November 06, 2008
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Teens and Money
This training series is designed primarily for parents but may also be useful for older teens. The materials cover—budgeting, figuring out if a purchase is a “need” or a “want,” banking, writing checks, savings, credit cards, credit reports, driving and cell phones.
January 03, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Tracking Your Money
This training module covers basic money management and develop a budget or spending plan to control your expenses.
April 13, 2007
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - WirelessED
There are three topics covered in this module: Using Mobile Data Wisely, Choosing and Using Mobile Devices, and Wireless International Roaming. There is a separate booklet for each topic; the manual, lesson plan and PowerPoint slides cover all three topics together.
May 17, 2011
Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer. - Workplace Privacy
This module explains some of the situations in which monitoring might occur in the workplace and explains your privacy rights as an employee. To protect your personal privacy and your job, you should know when and how employers can monitor and gather information about you.
October 20, 2009
COVID-19 Resource Guide
Information for consumers impacted by the pandemic
In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, public and private resources are becoming available to help deal with lost wages, illness and school closures.
- English: Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak
- Spanish: Guía de recursos para consumidores afectados por el coronavirus
- Chinese: COVID-19 新冠肺炎疫情期間,消費者援助資源指南