Status: closed

Organix Hair Care

Defendant: Organix Hair Care

400 words shown here.

A proposed settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit about the labeling and advertising of Organix brand hair care and skin care products ("Products"). The plaintiffs in the lawsuit claim that the packaging and advertising of these Products misled consumers to believe that the Products were wholly organic. The maker of the Products, Todd Christopher International, Inc., which does business as Vogue International, denies all the plaintiffs' allegations and is entering into this settlement to avoid burdensome and costly litigation. The settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing. The Court has not decided who is right and who is wrong.

Am I a Class Member? You are a Class Member if you bought at least one of the Products at any time on or after October 25, 2008.

A fund of $6.5 million will be created to pay Class Members for a portion of the cost of Products they purchased and to pay for notice and claim administration costs of up to $650,000 and attorneys' fees and costs of up to $1.625 million. Any remaining money in the fund will be donated to one or more non-profit charitable organizations. Such funds will not be returned to Todd Christopher International, Inc.

If you are a Class Member, you may return a Claim Form to receive $4 for each of the Products you purchased, up to a total of $28 per Class Member. A detailed Class Notice and copies of the Claim Form are available at the 'Important Documents' section of this website, by calling (855) 887-3482 or writing to Organix Class Settlement, Claims Administrator, Heffler Claims Group, P.O. Box 59029, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

To receive a cash payment you must submit a Claim Form no later than March 17, 2014. If you do nothing, you will get no money from the Settlement. If you do not wish to participate in the settlement and be bound by its terms, you may exclude yourself from the Class by February 5, 2014. If you exclude yourself, you can't get money from this settlement if it is approved, but you retain your right to sue regarding these claims. If you wish to object to the settlement, you must stay in the Class and object to it by February 5, 2014. This is only a summary. Visit the 'Important Documents' section of this website for important information about these options.

Claim deadline: Monday, 17 March 2014.