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Nissan (Altima) »

Defendant: Nissan

The lawsuit alleges certain 2008-2009 Nissan Altima models have defective dashboards that crack, melt, and become sticky in the state of Florida.  Class members must visit a Nissan dealership by April 29, 2017 for replacement or documentation of defect in order to be eligible for reimbursement. Florida residents who bought Claim deadline is Wednesday, 07 June 2017.

Nissan (Altima) »

Defendant: Nissan

The lawsuit alleges certain 2008-2009 Nissan Altima models have defective dashboards that crack, melt, and become sticky in the state of Florida.  Class members must visit a Nissan dealership by April 29, 2017 for replacement or documentation of defect in order to be eligible for reimbursement. Florida residents who bought or leased those models before April 1, 2017 may be eligible for reimbursement of dashboard replacement costs minus $250. 

Claim deadline is Wednesday, 07 June 2017.
