Chinese Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of Chinese Publications, Sorted by Date

Headlines & Press Releases


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动推介最新提案


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chinese Press Release | CFPB 提議使用多元語言協助屋主貸款避免成為法拍屋


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动提供电子产品咨询服务


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动参与奥克兰农历新年街会


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動成立52週年誌慶

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Put a Lock on It - Protecting your online privacy (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Put a Lock on It - Protecting your online privacy (Chinese) .


This fact sheet gives Internet users the knowledge to keep themselves and their families safe while taking advantage of the many benefits of being online. Topics include securing your online accounts and mobile apps, shopping and banking safely on a computer or mobile device, preserving your privacy while using social media, and avoiding unwelcome content and communications.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Jan 29, 2016

The right overdraft protection plan (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | The right overdraft protection plan (Chinese) A wise choice.


Spending more money than is in your checking account can be a costly mistake. This fact sheet presents the consequences of overdrawing your account, the high cost of “courtesy” overdraft coverage, the better overdraft protection plans that exist and tips for avoiding overdrafts altogether.

Category: Banking Money Management on Dec 08, 2015

Auto Insurance: The Basics (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Auto Insurance: The Basics (Chinese) .


It’s every driver’s responsibility to have adequate auto insurance. This guide will help you determine how much—and what kinds of—coverage you need, and how to get protection at the best price.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Insurance on Aug 10, 2015

IP Transition: Making the Switch (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | IP Transition: Making the Switch (Chinese) The next communication evolution.

本文對於網絡電話通訊轉換(IP Transition)有詳盡的解釋,包括電話服務正從傳統的(銅製地下電線)改變成使用網絡通訊,以及這種新的聯繫方式對消費者的各項優點。手冊中同時清楚列明消費者的通訊服務選擇,以及客戶將如果順利轉換並加入這種最新的通訊服務。

This fact sheet explains what Internet-based (IP) telephone service is, why the transition away from traditional (copper-based landline) phone service is happening and what advantages this type of connection offers for consumers. The brochure also explains consumers’ service options and how they can make a smooth transition.

Category: Telecom on Jan 30, 2015

An Employee’s Guide to Payroll Cards (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | An Employee’s Guide to Payroll Cards (Chinese) .


This four-page guide is designed to help employees who work for companies that offer a payroll card to determine whether that is their best option, understand how the cards work and how to avoid fees, and know their rights.

Category: Banking Credit Consumer Rights Money Management Prepaid Cards on Jul 17, 2014

Checking and savings accounts (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Checking and savings accounts (Chinese) A wise choice.


This fact sheet presents the basics of checking and savings accounts, highlighting the advantages they offer over “fringe” banking services such as check cashers. The publication covers, among other topics, how checking and savings accounts work, how to choose a financial institution and open an account, and how to reduce or avoid account fees.

Category: Banking Money Management on Feb 27, 2014

Health Records Privacy in California (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Health Records Privacy in California (Chinese) 當醫療記錄數據化以後,你應確保個人隱私權.

本文內容對於個人電子醫療記錄及醫療隱私方面有詳細介绍。如需查詢相關資訊,可參閱Health Records Privacy in California (加州個人健康記錄隱私權)指南,它會進一步探討各種熱門問題,並以問答格式提供額外資料。

This fact sheet provides an introduction to electronic health records and your health information privacy rights. To learn more, refer to the companion resource, Health Records Privacy in California: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, which provides additional information in a Q&A format.

Category: Medical/Healthcare Privacy Rights on Nov 12, 2013

You Can Buy a Home - The keys to homeownership (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | You Can Buy a Home - The keys to homeownership (Chinese) .


Buying a home is one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make. In this brochure, we cover key topics for potential homeowners, including preparing to buy a home, predicting homeownership costs, finding the right home, shopping for a mortgage and making an offer.

Category: Housing Buying a Home Home Financing Mortgages on Sep 06, 2013

Connect to California LifeLine and Save! (Chinese) (2024)

Library: Chinese | Connect to California LifeLine and Save! (Chinese) (2024) 普濟電話費折扣服務有助於你與家人保持聯繫.

加州普濟電話 LifeLine 為符合條件的低收入家庭提供基本之住宅有線(家庭電話)或行動電話,以及寬頻互聯網服務折扣優惠。符合加州普濟電話 LifeLine 條件的消費者只需支付常規電話連接或啟動服務費,以及每月通訊服務之一小部份費用。這本手冊詳述了普濟電話服務的各項功能和優惠,以及如何申請此項計劃,還有用戶若想繼續參與計劃之必備條件。

California LifeLine provides discounts on basic residential wireline (home phone) or wireless telephone or broadband internet service to eligible low-income households. Consumers who qualify for California LifeLine pay a fraction of the regular cost for telephone connection or activation and monthly service. This brochure explains the features and benefits of Lifeline phone service, how to apply for the program and what you must do to continue participation. Category: Internet Telecom on Sep 05, 2013

Teens & Money - Talking to teens about money (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Teens & Money - Talking to teens about money (Chinese) .


This 21-page booklet is designed primarily for parents but may also be useful for older teens. It covers many topics, including working, budgeting, figuring out if a purchase is a “need” or a “want,” banking, writing checks, savings, credit cards, credit reports, driving and cell phones. The booklet contains illustrations and examples of a weekly spending evaluation, a paycheck stub, how comparison shopping can save money and how to write a check. It also contains a list of helpful web sites for parents and kids.

Category: Money Management on Oct 22, 2012


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