Chinese Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of Chinese Publications, Sorted by Date

Headlines & Press Releases


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动推介最新提案


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chinese Press Release | CFPB 提議使用多元語言協助屋主貸款避免成為法拍屋


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动提供电子产品咨询服务


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动参与奥克兰农历新年街会


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動成立52週年誌慶

( View More Chinese Headlines )

Internet Safety (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Internet Safety (Chinese) A computer user’s guide to privacy and security.

這本社區教育手冊提供消費者有關在使用互聯網或電郵時, 應該如何保護個人以及電腦隱私權之各項要訣。

This publication outlines ways that you can protect yourself and your computer when you use the Internet and email.

Category: Fraud/Scams Internet Privacy Rights on Jan 12, 2010

Staying on Track With Credit (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Staying on Track With Credit (Chinese) How to use credit wisely.

對那些瞭解信貸的使用代價跟優點,以及懂得如何明智地使用信貸的消費者來說,信貸可以成為一種有用的財務工具。這本手冊解釋了「無限次」,又稱為循還式信貸,包括信用卡,房屋淨值信貸(HELOC: Home Equity Line of Credit)和支票透支信用額(Overdraft Lines of Credit),同時還討論使用信貸的好處及壞處。該手冊還包括如何避免使用高收費信貸的技巧。

Credit can be a valuable financial tool for consumers who understand its costs and benefits and how to use it wisely. This brochure defines open-ended, or revolving, credit, including credit cards, home equity lines of credit and overdraft lines of credit, and discusses the pros and cons of using credit. It includes tips on high-cost credit to avoid.

Category: Credit Credit Reports/Scores Credit Scores Money Management on Jul 09, 2009

Recognizing Credit Card Fraud (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Recognizing Credit Card Fraud (Chinese) .


Credit card fraud happens when consumers give their credit card number to unfamiliar individuals, when cards are lost or stolen, when mail is diverted from the intended recipient and taken by criminals, or when employees of a business copy the card or card numbers of a cardholder. This new Consumer Action publication explains how to recognize and avoid many forms of fraud that involve credit cards, such as skimming, phishing, ID theft and counterfeit cards.

Category: Credit Credit Cards Fraud/Scams on Jul 08, 2009

Workplace Privacy (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Workplace Privacy (Chinese) Your rights on the job.


To protect your personal privacy and your job, you should know when and how employers can monitor and gather information about you. This publication explains some of the situations in which monitoring might occur in the workplace and explains your privacy rights as an employee.

Category: Privacy Rights on May 21, 2009

Saving Your Home from Foreclosure (2009) (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Saving Your Home from Foreclosure (2009) (Chinese) .


Foreclosure is the legal process that your mortgage lender uses to take your home when you fall behind on your mortgage payments. If you are faced with foreclosure, you can work to save your home—or at least limit the financial damage caused by foreclosure—if you understand your options and take the appropriate steps.

Category: Foreclosure Housing Home Financing Mortgages on Mar 26, 2009

Leave me alone (Chinese) (2008)

Library: Chinese | Leave me alone (Chinese) (2008) Your privacy online—and offline.


Leave Me Alone! Your Privacy Online - and Offline explains the concept of personal privacy and why it is important to be careful about who has access to your personal information. Topics covered include privacy in cyberspace, cutting down on unwanted junk mail and spam e-mail from marketers and ‘top ten’ ways to protect your privacy on and off the Internet.

Category: Privacy Rights on Nov 03, 2008

Understanding Your Credit Score (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Understanding Your Credit Score (Chinese) .


Your credit score is a “snapshot” of your credit history that is used by lenders, insurers and others to assess your creditworthiness and the likelihood that you will pay your bills and repay outstanding loans. This publication explains how to learn your score, how to interpret it and how to maintain or improve it.

Category: Credit Credit Reports/Scores on Feb 26, 2008

You Make the Call (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | You Make the Call (Chinese) Selecting the right Phone Services for You.


There are a variety of phones, communications methods, calling plans and carriers. This publication is designed to help you choose the equipment and services that best meet your needs.

Category: Telecom Wireless on Dec 03, 2007

Protect Your Phone Records (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Protect Your Phone Records (Chinese) .

有人可能未經過你的同意就試圖使用你的電話記錄以作為非法或陷害他人的用途. 因為它是個人資料的重要來源。這本手冊有助於你瞭解誰會想得到你的電話記錄,他們如 何試圖得到你的個人資料,以及你要怎樣才能減低成為受害者的可能性。

Phone records are an important source of private information that someone might try to access without your consent for illegal or harmful purposes. This publication can help you understand who would want to access your phone records, why they might want to do it, how they try to access your private information and what you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim. A companion Leader’s Guide is available.

Category: Fraud/Scams Privacy Rights Telecom Wireless on Jun 28, 2007

California Car Buyer’s Bill of Rights (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | California Car Buyer’s Bill of Rights (Chinese) .

由2006年7月1日開始, 有一項重大的新聞是與加州購車者有關的。這項購車者權利法案將改變加州成千上萬的汽車買賣方式。

California car buyers have important new rights beginning July 1, 2006. The Car Buyer’s Bill of Rights will change the way millions of cars are bought and sold in California.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Credit Credit Reports/Scores Credit Scores on Jun 16, 2006


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