Chinese Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of Chinese Publications, Sorted by Date

Headlines & Press Releases


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动推介最新提案


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chinese Press Release | CFPB 提議使用多元語言協助屋主貸款避免成為法拍屋


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动提供电子产品咨询服务


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动参与奥克兰农历新年街会


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動成立52週年誌慶

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Choosing a Wireless Service Provider (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Choosing a Wireless Service Provider (Chinese) .

無線通訊公司提供各樣的服務項目、通話計劃及各種手提電話。無線通訊廉價的設備及費使得許多個人及家庭都可以負擔得起。再加上當今的手機不僅可以用來通話, 還可以照相、瀏覽網頁、發電郵、玩電子遊戲等等。有這麼多的選擇, 你得小心謹慎地找出最適合自己的一款。

The wireless world offers broad choices among service providers, calling plans, and phones. Low-priced equipment and rates make wireless calling affordable for many individuals and families. Plus, today’s cell phone is not just for talking - it can be used to snap photos, surf the Internet, send email, play games, and more. With so much to choose from, it can be a challenge to figure out what’s best for you.

Category: Telecom Wireless on Jun 12, 2006

How to send money home (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | How to send money home (Chinese) Tips for transferring money overseas.

很多移民會將賺來的錢匯寄一些給故鄉的親朋好友。匯款到海外有幾種方法, 為了協助大家, 這本刊物對於各類匯款公司有詳盡之解說。

Many immigrants send some of their earnings to relatives and friends in their home countries. There are several ways to transfer money overseas. This publication explains the different types of companies that can help with this task.

Category: Banking Credit Prepaid Cards on Jan 06, 2006

Saving to Build Wealth - Make money work for you (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Saving to Build Wealth - Make money work for you (Chinese) .


This brochure provides information about the importance of saving, setting short- and long-term goals to promote saving, opening a savings account and ways to make your money grow faster, including certificates of deposit (CDs), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), U.S. Savings Bonds and college savings accounts.

Category: Banking Investing Money Management on Sep 28, 2004

Poor Credit means Higher Interest Rates - How to avoid bad loans (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Poor Credit means Higher Interest Rates - How to avoid bad loans (Chinese) .


This brochure addresses “subprime” loans offered to people with credit problems. While consumers with poor credit can find fairly priced mortgages, car loans and credit cards at higher-than-average rates, this population is easily victimized by very bad deals called predatory lending. This brochure covers illegal lending practices, warning signs of bad loans, how to avoid becoming a victim, filing a compaint and resources for advice and assistance.

Category: Credit on Apr 01, 2004

Telemarketers : Do Not Call (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Telemarketers : Do Not Call (Chinese) A new way to limit unwanted sales calls.


Are you tired of unwanted telemarketing calls? Now there is a new government tool to help stop unwanted calls. The National Do Not Call Registry is a free list you can join to limit calls to your home and cell phone for five years. “Telemarketers: Do Not Call!” explains how easy it is to put your name on the registry, what you should expect when you register and how to deal with unwanted telemarketing calls.

Category: Telecom on Jul 14, 2003

Don’t Fall for the Wrong Call (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Don’t Fall for the Wrong Call (Chinese) Protect yourself against telemarketing fraud.

電話推銷詐騙 ﹣利用電話行騙 ﹣美國消費者一年被詐騙的金額高達四百億。 大家萬勿陷入此纇電話騙局,本手冊長達八頁,針對一般利用電話行騙的手法或電話詐騙慈善捐款、如何接聽推銷電話、騙局預警、個人如何防範電話推銷、個人法律保障以及電話推銷員觸犯個人“謝絕來電“權益等提供深入的指引。手冊內容並包括投訴機構及相關協助資源。

Telemarketing fraud — using the phone to swindle and cheat — robs U.S. consumers of about $40 billion a year. Don’t fall for the wrong call, an 8-page, in-depth guide provides information on common tricks and charitable donation scams used by telemarketers, how to answer sales calls, warning signs of fraud, how to protect yourself from unwanted calls, your rights under the law and how you can sue telemarketers who do not honor your wishes not to be called. The guide also contains a listing of complaint handling agencies and other helpful resources.

Category: Fraud/Scams Telecom on Feb 14, 2003

Protect Yourself From Identity Theft (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Protect Yourself From Identity Theft (Chinese) It's Your Good Name!.


A factsheet explaining what identity theft is, how to prevent it, and what to do if you are a victim of identity theft.

Category: Fraud/Scams Privacy Rights on Dec 09, 2002

Banking Basics - You can bank on it (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Banking Basics - You can bank on it (Chinese) .


A brochure that provides a simple introduction to the main services offered by banks and credit unions, including checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit and debit cards. It also covers opening an account and resolving problems.

Category: Banking on Apr 18, 2002

Phone Fraud (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Phone Fraud (Chinese) We All Pay.


An illustrated fact sheet that describes what phone fraud is and how you can become a victim. Explains how to protect yourself and how to complain about phone fraud.

Category: Fraud/Scams Telecom on Apr 01, 1997

Collection Agency (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Collection Agency (Chinese) 消費者債務系列.


A fact sheet that explains what your rights are when dealing with a collection agency. It describes collection abuse, and answers such questions as whether you can be jailed for not paying a debt and what to do if you are being harassed by a collection agency.

Category: Money Management on Apr 01, 1996


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