Updated: February 2023

Ricardo Perez

Administrative Assistant

Ricardo Perez joined Consumer Action (CA) in August 1999. He responds to calls to CA's consumer complaints hotline, while handles all shipping and receiving of mail, deliveries and publications.

Perez runs the Consumer Action mail room which delivers up to one million copies of our multilingual  publications to thousands of community-based organizations annually. He maintains inventories, coordinates with our shipping vendors on a day-to-day basis, and records shipment records in both shipping vendor's and Consumer Action's databases.  

Meanwhile Perez also provides consumers with advice and referrals to consumers with a complaint, via Consumer Action's free, non-legal consumer advice hotline. 

In addition, Perez is Consumer Action's safety coordinator as well as one of the floor wardens for our office building. He is also one of our in-house techie who monitors computers backup routines and software updates. 


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