Tax ID Theft Awareness Week is Jan. 13-17

Monday, January 06, 2014


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has designated Jan. 13-17 Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week. During the event, the FTC will host national, regional and online events that raise awareness of tax-related scams and the steps taxpayers can take to protect themselves or, if necessary, resolve a case of identity theft.

The Commission reports that tax-related identity theft accounted for more than 43 percent of the agency’s ID theft complaints in 2012—nearly double the number received in 2011. Tax identity theft occurs when someone uses your Social Security number to claim a tax refund by filing a fraudulent tax return under your name.

Two of the best ways to protect yourself: Keep your Social Security number secret. And don’t give out personal information in response to emails, text messages or phone calls claiming to be from the IRS—the agency does not initiate contact with taxpayers in this way.

Consumers can learn more by visiting the Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week webpage. On the same page, consumer advocates and educators can get materials to help them spread the word and protect their communities.

Consumer Action offers many free multilingual publications on how to protect yourself from frauds and scams. Click here to view our online collection.

Consumer Action (, founded in 1971, is a national non-profit education and advocacy organization based in San Francisco, with offices in Los Angeles and Washington, DC. You can read or download free educational materials at our website.




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