Thursday, January 03, 2008

Isn’t It Their Turn to Pick Up the Check? Cover Art

Isn’t It Their Turn to Pick Up the Check?

Author: Jeanne Fleming and Leonard Schwarz
Publisher: Free Press
ASIN: 1416542000

About This Book

This book addresses "Dealing with All of the Trickiest Money Problems Between Family and Friends—From Serial Borrowers to Serious Cheapskates." Your next-door neighbor's two-year-old broke your most expensive vase, and your neighbor hasn't offered to replace it. Your best friend expects you to shop at the boutique she just opened, though her very pricey clothes look terrible on you. And your sister says she needs $1,500 to send her child to creativity camp, but you think what your sister needs is a job. What do you do?

Such tricky and emotionally charged dilemmas involving money confront everyone. Yet few of us know how to handle them. The authors of the popular column, "Do the Right Thing," in Money magazine and the blog of the same name on dissect some thorny, occasionally comic, inevitably awkward and frequently infuriating money-and-ethics problems that arise among friends, relatives and neighbors.

Fleming and Schwarz also report on the results of two surveys designed to illuminate the money-and-ethics problems we confront every day. The surveys reveal, for example, just how many of us have a friend or relative who's a freeloader or a deadbeat; how common we believe it is for someone to lie, cheat, or pretend to be loving in order to be in someone else's will; and the percentage of men compared yo women who say you should never marry someone who is deeply in debt, no matter how much you love them.

In this book, you can find advice for dealing with all the maddening problems of money, friends and social interaction.




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