Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce Cover Art

Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce

Author: Emily Doskow
Publisher: Nolo Press
ASIN: 1413304524

About This Book

If you’re facing the emotional trauma and financial upheaval of divorce, Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce is a valuable book. Author and attorney Emily Doskow, with friendly compassion with professional expertise, provides the practical and supportive advice and information in plain English.

In the introduction, the author notes that while the legal part of divorce is not mysterious, the emotional toll can be significant and can lead to long, expensive, contested court cases. Her theme is to urge readers to make the divorce process as civil as possible, especially for couples with children. "It's a simple fact that the more you are able to avoid fighting now, the easier life will be later, when you see your spouse at your son's wedding or your daughter's graduation," writes Doskow.

The Essential Guide to divorce covers custody, property and support, divorce mediation, survival skills for high-conflict contested divorces, how to get help from a lawyer without losing control of the process, and where to find state-specific forms and information and other do-it-yourself resources. The Guide is notable in that it provides 50-state information on all the key issues. While it's not a quick read, it is very clearly written and the book is well organized to allow you to easily find specific information.




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