Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Solve Your Money Troubles Cover Art

Solve Your Money Troubles

Author: Robin Leonard
Publisher: Nolo Press
ASIN: 9781413306316

About This Book

Everything you need to get out of debt and repair your credit, from the Nolo Press, the pre-eminient self-help legal publisher.

Feeling overwhelmed by your debts? If you're ready to regain your financial freedom, this book is exactly what you need! To make the process easier, Solve Your Money Troubles also includes sample letters to creditors, as well as worksheets and charts to calculate your debts and expenses and help you create a repayment plan.

The 11th edition now covers the latest bankruptcy laws, the Fair Debt Collection Act and the new credit-scoring system used by some credit bureaus.

Step by step, Solve Your Money Troubles shows you how to:

  • prioritize debts
  • create a budget
  • negotiate with creditors
  • stop collector harassment
  • challenge wage attachments
  • contend with repossessions
  • respond to creditor lawsuits
  • qualify for a mortgage
  • rebuild credit

The 11th edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect the latest legal developments, including state-law changes and new bankruptcy rules.




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