Chinese Library: Home Repair

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Library: Chinese | FEMA spells federal disaster relief for homeowners and renters (Chinese) .


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers a variety of programs to help victims of disasters repair, rebuild or replace their homes and possessions. This publication describes the types of FEMA assistance available to homeowners and renters and provides details about program eligibility and the application process. It also highlights the limitations of FEMA assistance and stresses the importance of purchasing adequate personal insurance coverage.

Category: Housing Home Repair Housing Insurance Insurance on Jul 24, 2018

Library: Chinese | Homeowners and renters insurance (Chinese) 在自然災害發生前後你需要了解的事項.

由於大多數的美國居民都住在會發生自然災害的風險地帶,所以幾乎每個家庭都應慎重考慮,在未來一旦失去家園或財產時將如何復原。本刊物詳盡說明哪些損失可以(或是不可以)得到房屋業主或租客的保險理賠; 如何確保購買足夠的保險; 當災難發生後你應該及時採取的求償步驟;以及在保險不足時你仍有哪些可求助的渠道。

With the majority of U.S. residents living in areas at risk of a natural disaster, most households need to seriously consider how they would recover from the loss of their home and possessions. This publication explains which disaster losses are—and are not—covered under a standard homeowners or renters insurance policy, how to make sure you are adequately insured, what steps to take to recover your losses after disaster strikes, and what your options are if your insurance falls short.

Category: Housing Home Repair Housing Insurance Insurance on Jul 11, 2018

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