Chinese Library: Tenant Rights

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Library: Chinese | Fair housing rights for those affected by the pandemic (Chinese) 應對COVID-19(新冠肺炎).

聯邦Fair Housing Act(公平住屋法案)保護租屋申請者、租客、屋主以及預備購屋者免受各種形式的住屋歧視。本刊物解釋在COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情期間,你應受到同樣的住屋權益保護而不被歧視,萬一當你不幸遭遇歧視時你應採取的什麼行動以保障自己的權益。

The federal Fair Housing Act protects rental housing applicants, tenants, homeowners and prospective homebuyers from various forms of discrimination. This publication explains how these same rights may protect you from discrimination related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the steps to take if you do experience discrimination.

Category: Consumer Rights COVID-19 Pandemic Discrimination Housing Discrimination Tenant Rights on Jul 17, 2020

Library: Chinese | Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak (Chinese) .


In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Consumer Action created this guide to inform consumers about public and private resources as they became available to help deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic. Category: Banking COVID-19 Pandemic Fraud/Scams Insurance Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Student Loans Taxes Telecom Tenant Rights on Jun 11, 2020

Library: Chinese | Filing a Housing Discrimination Complaint (Chinese) .


Fair housing laws protect renters and buyers from discrimination. If you believe you were a victim of housing discrimination, you have the right to file a housing discrimination complaint with HUD. Understanding the complaint and resolution process will help you weigh your options and take action.

Category: Housing Discrimination Home Financing Housing Insurance Mortgages Tenant Rights on Feb 07, 2012

Library: Chinese | Know the Signs of Housing Discrimination (Chinese) .


The denial of housing opportunities because of race, color, religion, sex, nationality, familial status or disability is housing discrimination, and it’s illegal. You can recognize if you are a victim of housing discrimination—and protect your rights—if you know what actions by landlords, sellers, lenders and others are against the law.

Category: Housing Buying a Home Discrimination Mortgages Tenant Rights on Feb 07, 2012

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