Chinese Library: Credit Cards

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library: Chinese | Credit Reports and Credit Scores (Chinese) .


Your credit history has a significant impact on your ability to achieve important financial goals. Learn what information is collected about you, how to interpret and improve it, and what your rights are.

Category: Credit Credit Cards Credit Reports/Scores Mortgages on Feb 15, 2011

Library: Chinese | Credit Cards - What You Need To Know (Chinese) .

很多人使用信用卡 ﹣但是他們明白信用卡公司合約書上面那些專業用詞嗎?本手冊的編排內容專為協助讀者了解各類信用卡,讓你分類挑選最適合自己的,並可看懂信用卡合約書專業用詞以及條件,避免付費及罰金。

Most people use credit cards—but do they know the terms of the agreement they have with their card issuer. This brochure is designed to help readers understand the different types of cards available; sort through offers to choose the card that’s right for them; understand credit card terms and conditions, and avoid fees and penalty rates.

Category: Credit Credit Cards on Nov 11, 2010

Library: Chinese | Families and Credit Cards (Chinese) .


This educational brochure is designed for parents who are weighing the merits of giving their children credit cards. The topics covered include youth and credit cards, adding cardholders to your account, secondary cardholder policies, payment options for kids while they’re traveling and helping young people understand the importance of good credit.

Category: Credit Credit Cards on May 11, 2010

Library: Chinese | Recognizing Credit Card Fraud (Chinese) .


Credit card fraud happens when consumers give their credit card number to unfamiliar individuals, when cards are lost or stolen, when mail is diverted from the intended recipient and taken by criminals, or when employees of a business copy the card or card numbers of a cardholder. This new Consumer Action publication explains how to recognize and avoid many forms of fraud that involve credit cards, such as skimming, phishing, ID theft and counterfeit cards.

Category: Credit Credit Cards Fraud/Scams on Jul 08, 2009

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