Published: September 2024

Advocates support legislation to enhance consumer artificial intelligence literacy

Advocates expressed support for legislation—the Consumer Literacy and Empowerment to Advance Responsible Navigation of AI (Consumers LEARN AI) Act—that would enhance consumer awareness of and confidence in the use of artificial intelligence products and services.

Consumer Action joined allies in expressing support for bipartisan legislation, introduced by Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY), that would increase consumer awareness of and confidence in artificial intelligence (AI) products and services. While AI products and services can help consumers and small business owners by enhancing productivity, communication, information access and creativity, a lack of familiarity and confidences creates a barrier to the adoption and responsible use of the technology. The Consumer Literacy and Empowerment to Advance Responsible Navigation of Artificial Intelligence (Consumers LEARN AI) Act would help by directing the Department of Commerce to: develop a national strategy for increasing consumer AI knowledge and literacy informed by expertise from government, public and private organizations; create use case guidance for specific AI tasks, such as classification, voice dictation, and content generation, in domains such as personal finance, healthcare, communication, and business operations; conduct a national media campaign to disseminate guidance and information about the safe and beneficial use of AI products and services. (Consumer Action also supported the Senate companion bill, introduced by Senators Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Mike Rounds (R-SD).

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Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY)

More Information

Read the press release and bill here.     

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