English Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of English Publications, Sorted by Date

Money Management 1-2-3: PowerPoint Slides

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: PowerPoint Slides.

The Money Management 1-2-3 PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.

Category: Banking Credit Debt Collection Housing Insurance Investing Mortgages Money Management Student Loans Taxes on May 26, 2016

Money Management 1-2-3: Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities.

This packet, only available as a PDF file, provides guidance for teachers and team leaders. It contains a detailed curriculum, classroom activities and take-home worksheets.

Category: Banking Credit Debt Collection Housing Insurance Investing Mortgages Money Management Student Loans Taxes on May 26, 2016

Time for an Insurance Checkup

Library: English | Time for an Insurance Checkup Assessing and adjusting your coverage.

Staying adequately insured means reassessing your coverage each year and adjusting it in response to specific life events. This Insurance Checkup fact sheet explains why it’s important to revisit your insurance policies regularly, lists specific life events that typically warrant a change in coverage, provides tips and tools for managing your insurance and offers links to resources where you can learn more.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Housing Housing Insurance Insurance on Apr 26, 2016

Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: THREE: Planning a Secure Future.

The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part three, Planning a Secure Future, focuses on leaving the workforce, funding your retirement and protecting what you’ve accumulated. Topics include tapping your investments and home equity, staying adequately insured, managing medical expenses, the basics of estate planning and, for some grandparents, raising a second family.

Category: Insurance Investing Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Money Management on Apr 05, 2016

Money Management 1-2-3: TWO: Achieving Financial Goals

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: TWO: Achieving Financial Goals.

The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part two, Achieving Financial Goals, addresses updating your budget, accumulating a nest egg and protecting your assets. Topics include budgeting and debt management, saving and investing, homeownership and insurance.

Category: Credit Debt Collection Housing Insurance Investing Mortgages Money Management Taxes on Apr 05, 2016

Money Management 1-2-3: ONE: Getting a Strong Start

Library: English | Money Management 1-2-3: ONE: Getting a Strong Start.

The “Money Management 1-2-3: Be Smart About Money All Your Life” series focuses on basic money management skills at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Part one, Getting a Strong Start, addresses how to manage your income, use credit wisely and live within your means. Topics include understanding your pay stub, filing your tax returns, creating a budget, setting up bank accounts, establishing and building good credit and managing student loans.

Category: Banking Credit Foreclosure Money Management Student Loans Taxes on Apr 05, 2016

What You Need to Know About ‘Alternative’ Mortgage Lenders

Library: English | What You Need to Know About ‘Alternative’ Mortgage Lenders.

Nearly 50 percent of all home loans are made by mortgage lenders that are not banks. Non-bank mortgages offer benefits for many borrowers—if they know which loan terms to look for and which to steer clear of. In addition to highlighting potentially risky loan terms to avoid, this fact sheet explains the consumer protection requirements lenders must meet and offers tips and resources for homebuyers shopping for a mortgage.

Category: Credit Housing Buying a Home Home Financing Mortgages on Mar 21, 2016

What’s not to ‘Like’?

Library: English | What’s not to ‘Like’? Protecting your privacy on social media.

Online sharing is a hugely popular pastime. This publication presents the potential risks of oversharing on social media and provides specific tips and tools for participating in social networks while also protecting your privacy and staying safe online.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights on Mar 11, 2016

Watch out! Online video and your privacy

Library: English | Watch out! Online video and your privacy.

While consumers now have many more options for how, where and when they watch video, they also face new risks to their personal privacy. This publication makes viewers aware of the privacy issues raised by video streaming and video sharing technology as well as what they can do to protect themselves.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Mar 11, 2016

Credit Scores in the U.S.

Library: English | Credit Scores in the U.S. A guide for students, immigrants and savvy consumers.

Establishing credit and building a good credit score is essential, but it can be challenging for consumers who are new to the process, such as students and immigrants. This publication explains what a credit score is, how it is used, how to find out where you stand and what specific steps you can take to build a credit history or improve your score.

Category: Credit Credit Reports/Scores on Jan 06, 2016


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