English Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of English Publications, Sorted by Date

When a Collector Calls: An Insider’s Guide to Responding to Debt Collectors

Library: English | When a Collector Calls: An Insider’s Guide to Responding to Debt Collectors.

Millions of consumers are contacted by debt collectors every year. This concise “insider’s” guide to responding to a debt collection call or letter, written with input from an association of collectors, provides tips for communicating effectively with a collector, exercising and protecting your rights and avoiding debt collection scams.

Category: Bankruptcy Credit Debt Collection on Nov 18, 2015

Put a Lock on It - PowerPoint Slides

Library: English | Put a Lock on It - PowerPoint Slides Protecting your online privacy.

The Put a Lock on It PowerPoint presentation, available for download in the “Download File” section, is designed to be used with the 31-page companion Put a Lock on It lesson plan.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Oct 19, 2015

Put a Lock on It - Seminar lesson plan and activities

Library: English | Put a Lock on It - Seminar lesson plan and activities Protecting your online privacy.

The 31-page Put a Lock on It lesson plan, available only as a PDF download, guides community educators through a 2.5-hour workshop that includes three activities designed to give participants an opportunity to practice what they’ve learned. The lesson is designed to be used with the companion Put a Lock on It PowerPoint presentation.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Oct 19, 2015

Put a Lock on It

Library: English | Put a Lock on It Protecting your online privacy.

This fact sheet gives Internet users the knowledge to keep themselves and their families safe while taking advantage of the many benefits of being online. Topics include securing your online accounts and mobile apps, shopping and banking safely on a computer or mobile device, preserving your privacy while using social media, and avoiding unwelcome content and communications.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights Technology on Oct 19, 2015

Choosing a Prepaid Card - PowerPoint Training Slides

Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card - PowerPoint Training Slides.

The Choosing a Prepaid Card PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.

Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 15, 2015

Choosing a Prepaid Card - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities

Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities.

This 24-page packet, only available as a PDF download, contains a detailed curriculum for teaching how to choose, use and manage a prepaid card wisely, and two classroom activities that provide an opportunity for participants to apply what they’ve learned.

Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 15, 2015

Choosing a Prepaid Card: A Backgrounder

Library: English | Choosing a Prepaid Card: A Backgrounder.

The “Choosing a Prepaid Card” training manual provides the answers to many of the questions that a consumer shopping for a reloadable prepaid card might have, from “Where can I find a list of the card’s fees?” to “Whom do I contact if I have a problem with my card?”

Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Oct 14, 2015

A Consumer’s Guide to ‘Chip’ Cards

Library: English | A Consumer’s Guide to ‘Chip’ Cards.

This publication answers credit and debit card customers’ questions about why the transition to “smartcards” is taking place, how the checkout process will change, what consumer protections they will have and where to get more information about chip cards.

Category: Banking Credit Prepaid Cards on Jul 28, 2015

California’s Lemon Law

Library: English | California’s Lemon Law Protection for new and used car buyers.

This fact sheet about California’s protections for new and used car buyers explains how the state Lemon Law works, which vehicles are covered, the arbitration programs used by most car dealers and how consumers can pursue a claim in California.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Consumer Rights on Jul 22, 2015

A Consumer’s Guide to Choosing a Prepaid Card

Library: English | A Consumer’s Guide to Choosing a Prepaid Card.

A prepaid card that charges low fees, comes with desirable features and offers strong consumer protections can be a good choice for many consumers. This publication will help you learn how to compare your options and choose the best prepaid card for your needs.

Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Jun 16, 2015


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