English Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of English Publications, Sorted by Date

The Right Overdraft Protection Plan

Library: English | The Right Overdraft Protection Plan A wise choice.

Spending more money than is in your checking account can be a costly mistake. This fact sheet presents the consequences of overdrawing your account, the high cost of “courtesy” overdraft coverage, the better overdraft protection plans that exist and tips for avoiding overdrafts altogether.

Category: Banking Money Management on Mar 10, 2015

Get a Car Loan

Library: English | Get a Car Loan That's in Your Best Interest.

If you are seeking financing for a new or used car, you could have many options even if you have a poor financial history. However, late payments and other credit problems signal lenders that you are a risky customer, which will increase the interest rate on the loans available to you. There are differences between lenders—so shop around to find the best deal.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Credit on Mar 05, 2015

Auto Insurance - PowerPoint Slides

Library: English | Auto Insurance - PowerPoint Slides.

This downloadable 16-slide PowerPoint presentation is designed to be used in conjunction with the auto insurance lesson plan. The slides provide a visual component to the training that will help to engage learners and improve retention.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Insurance on Feb 19, 2015

Auto Insurance - Lesson plan

Library: English | Auto Insurance - Lesson plan.

This downloadable packet guides community educators through a two-and-a-half-hour presentation on auto insurance—from determining the types and amount of coverage needed to finding the right policy, controlling your insurance costs, filing a claim and resolving disputes with the insurer. The lesson plan, which is designed to be used in conjunction with the downloadable PowerPoint presentation, also includes learning activities and a class evaluation form.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Insurance on Feb 19, 2015

IP Transition: Making the Switch

Library: English | IP Transition: Making the Switch The next communication evolution.

This fact sheet explains what Internet-based (IP) telephone service is, why the transition away from traditional (copper-based landline) phone service is happening and what advantages this type of connection offers for consumers. The brochure also explains consumers’ service options and how they can make a smooth transition.

Category: Telecom on Jan 30, 2015

Questions & Answers about the IP Transition

Library: English | Questions & Answers about the IP Transition Connecting you with new changes to the phone system.

This backgrounder answers many of the questions that consumers may have about the transition from traditional (copper-based landline) phone service to Internet-based service. Written in Q&A format, the guide introduces terms consumers should understand, explains how the transition will take place and why it’s important to them, and addresses nuts-and-bolts concerns they may have about switching to a new type of service.

Category: Telecom on Jan 30, 2015

Student Loan and Education Resource List

Library: English | Student Loan and Education Resource List.

This concise, five-page guide provides resources to help beginning students figure out what their college education financing options are, what they can afford, which schools are worth the cost and how to get the student loan process started. Current and former students can benefit from the sections on loan repayment and what to do if the loan goes into default. The publication includes resources specifically for veterans.

Category: Credit Debt Collection Military/Veterans Student Loans on Jan 08, 2015

Questions and Answers about Auto Insurance

Library: English | Questions and Answers about Auto Insurance.

The 30-page Auto Insurance Basics backgrounder, written in Q&A format, answers frequently asked questions on nearly a dozen auto insurance topics, from how to evaluate an insurer and select the right deductible to how tickets, accidents and credit scores may impact premiums.

Category: Auto Lending/Insurance Insurance on Dec 15, 2014


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