English Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of English Publications, Sorted by Date

Finding the Right Vocational, Technical or Trade School - Backgrounder

Library: English | Finding the Right Vocational, Technical or Trade School - Backgrounder Q&A backgrounder guide.

This Consumer Action “question and answer” manual is designed to provide background information about evaluating job training schools and choosing and managing student loans for these programs. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the “Guide to Finding the Right Job Training School.” There is also a lesson plan and PowerPoint presentation for use by consumer education trainers.

Category: Consumer Rights on Mar 29, 2017

A Guide to Finding the Right Job Training School

Library: English | A Guide to Finding the Right Job Training School.

Job training can be a valuable investment in your future—if the school or program is reputable and fairly priced. This guide is designed to help anyone considering a job training program or vocational school make an informed choice, avoid excessive or unwarranted student loan debt, and know where to turn if they believe they are a victim of for-profit school fraud.

Category: Fraud/Scams Military/Veterans Student Loans on Mar 29, 2017

Savvy Online Shopping - PowerPoint Slides

Library: English | Savvy Online Shopping - PowerPoint Slides.

The downloadable Savvy Online Shopping PowerPoint presentation is designed to be used in conjunction with the lesson plan, adding a visual component that will help engage learners and improve retention.

Category: Consumer Rights Credit Cards Fraud/Scams Internet on Feb 22, 2017

Savvy Online Shopping - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities

Library: English | Savvy Online Shopping - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities.

This packet, only available as a PDF file, provides guidance for community educators. It contains a detailed curriculum and classroom activities.

Category: Consumer Rights Credit Cards Fraud/Scams Internet on Feb 22, 2017

Questions and Answers about Savvy Online Shopping and Dispute Resolution

Library: English | Questions and Answers about Savvy Online Shopping and Dispute Resolution.

Written in Q&A format, this backgrounder answers many questions about savvy online shopping that are not covered in the companion brochures.

Category: Consumer Rights Credit Cards Fraud/Scams Internet on Feb 22, 2017

Savvy Online Shopping: How to resolve a dispute

Library: English | Savvy Online Shopping: How to resolve a dispute.

Consumers who shop online sometimes run into problems, from delivery or product issues to billing questions or disputes. This publication explains the steps that online shoppers can take to avoid or resolve these and other problems that might arise.

Category: Consumer Rights Credit Cards Fraud/Scams Internet on Feb 01, 2017

Savvy Online Shopping: Tips for trouble-free transactions

Library: English | Savvy Online Shopping: Tips for trouble-free transactions.

Online shopping offers all sorts of benefits, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t without potential risks. This publication explains how to reduce hassles by protecting your personal information, making wise choices about where you shop and how you pay, and taking steps to avoid disputes.

Category: Consumer Rights Credit Cards Fraud/Scams Internet on Feb 01, 2017

Getting Up to Speed

Library: English | Getting Up to Speed Broadband internet for low-income households.

Today, high-speed home internet service (broadband) is virtually a necessity for everything from finding a job to doing homework. However, many low-income households are at a disadvantage because broadband has been unaffordable for them. This fact sheet explains more about broadband, including its importance, benefits, availability and pricing. It also presents special programs that offer low- and moderate-income households fast home internet service at a discount.

Category: Internet Telecom on Nov 14, 2016

Debtors’ Rights

Library: English | Debtors’ Rights Protecting yourself from debt collection lawsuits.

This guide helps consumers understand how to communicate with a debt collector, what their rights and options are when faced with a debt collection lawsuit, steps to take to try to avoid legal action, where to find legal information and advice, the general process of responding to a lawsuit, their rights if they lose the case and how to file a complaint against a collector.

Category: Bankruptcy Credit Debt Collection on Oct 17, 2016

Debt Collection: Know your rights - PowerPoint Slides

Library: English | Debt Collection: Know your rights - PowerPoint Slides.

This downloadable PowerPoint presentation is designed to be used in conjunction with the “Debt Collection: Know your rights” lesson plan. The slides provide a visual component to the training that will help to engage learners and improve retention.

Category: Bankruptcy Credit Debt Collection on Oct 17, 2016


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