English Library: Elder Fraud

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Just Say No to Scams

Library: English | Just Say No to Scams: A guide to protecting yourself from liars, cheats and crooks

Scammers cheat unsuspecting consumers out of millions of dollars each year, but there are ways to avoid becoming a scammer’s next victim. This guide will help consumers understand how crooks reel in their prey, recognize and evade scam attempts, and learn about scam prevention and reporting resources.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Jun 25, 2018

Just Say No to Scams (Quick Tips)

Library: English | Just Say No to Scams (Quick Tips): Quick tips for protecting yourself from fraud

The Just Say No to Scams “quick tips” sheet provides consumers with the basics of recognizing the signs of a scam, understanding how to protect themselves and knowing where they can learn more.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Jun 24, 2018

Common Scams: Recognizing and avoiding fraud

Library: English | Common Scams: Recognizing and avoiding fraud

This compendium of widely perpetrated scams provides details about how common scams are carried out, how consumers can avoid them, and where to report different types of scam attempts. It is intended for use with the “Just Say No to Scams” consumer guide.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Jun 23, 2018

Just Say No to Scams - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities

Library: English | Just Say No to Scams - Seminar Lesson Plan and Class Activities

This downloadable packet guides community educators through a two-hour presentation on recognizing and avoiding scams. In addition to the lesson plan (to be used in conjunction with the downloadable PowerPoint presentation), the packet includes exercises, resources and a class evaluation form.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Jun 22, 2018

Just Say No to Scams - PowerPoint Training Slides

Library: English | Just Say No to Scams - PowerPoint Training Slides

This downloadable PowerPoint presentation is designed to be used in conjunction with the “Just Say No to Scams’” lesson plan. The slides provide a visual component to the training that helps to engage learners and improve retention.

Category: Fraud/Scams ID Theft Internet Elder Fraud on Jun 21, 2018


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