English Library: Medical/Healthcare

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations

Library: English | Coronavirus vaccination outreach resources for community-based organizations: Coping with COVID-19
Getting enough people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity is critical to saving lives and enabling the country to recover from the devastation of the pandemic, yet as of July 2021, around half of U.S. adults were still unvaccinated. This guide shares tools and information from trusted sources that will help community-based organizations encourage and communicate about COVID-19 vaccination within their communities. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Healthcare on Jul 15, 2021

Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction

Library: English | Distinguishing between vaccine fact and fiction: Coping with COVID-19
While many millions of Americans have been safely vaccinated, millions of others have not, with many basing their decision not to get the vaccine on inaccurate or misleading information. This publication counters specific vaccination objections with facts, explains why someone should get vaccinated, gives tips for recognizing and stemming vaccine misinformation/disinformation, and directs readers to resources that can help them get a vaccination. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Healthcare on Jul 12, 2021

The Contact Lens Rule and the Eyeglass Rule

Library: English | The Contact Lens Rule and the Eyeglass Rule: Consumers have important vision care rights
The approximately 75% of U.S. adults who need some type of corrective lenses spend billions of dollars each year on eye exams and eyewear, yet few understand their rights under the federal Contact Lens Rule and Eyeglass Rule. This publication explains those rights, provides links to additional information, and tells you where you can report violations of the rules. Category: Consumer Rights Medical/Healthcare on Nov 09, 2020

Telemedicine: What to know about virtual doctor visits

Library: English | Telemedicine: What to know about virtual doctor visits: Coping with COVID-19
The pandemic has driven non-urgent doctor visits online to help suppress the spread of COVID-19. As more people receive medical care remotely, via a smartphone, tablet or computer, it's important to understand when and how virtual visits might be an option, whether they're covered under private and government-sponsored health plans, and what privacy issues they raise. Category: COVID-19 Pandemic Insurance Internet Medical/Healthcare Privacy Rights Technology on Sep 21, 2020

Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak

Library: English | Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Consumer Action created this guide to inform consumers about public and private resources as they became available to help deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic.

Category: Banking COVID-19 Pandemic Fraud/Scams Insurance Medical/Healthcare Mortgages Student Loans Taxes Telecom Tenant Rights on Jul 04, 2020

Financial health and FinTech COVID relief

Library: English | Financial health and FinTech COVID relief
The financial health and FinTech community has mobilized to offer online resources, coaching, financial support and other relief to consumers. Category: Banking Credit COVID-19 Pandemic Credit Cards Debt Collection Discrimination FinTech Housing Internet Medical/Healthcare Micro Business Mortgages Money Management Technology on Jun 01, 2020

Health Insurance Evaluation

Library: English | Health Insurance Evaluation
Use this form to get feedback from participants after your health insurance presentation. Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Nov 22, 2019

Medicare True-or-False

Library: English | Medicare True-or-False
Class exercise for “Get Covered: Choosing and using Medicare.” Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Nov 21, 2019

Test Your Knowledge

Library: English | Test Your Knowledge
Class exercise for “Get Covered: Navigating private and government health insurance.” Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Nov 21, 2019

What Would You Advise?

Library: English | What Would You Advise?
Class exercise for “Get Covered: Understanding your employer-sponsored health plan." Category: Insurance Medical/Healthcare on Nov 21, 2019


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