Rebuilding Good Credit

This training module covers the importance of having a good credit, your rights if your credit application is rejected, how to check your credit report, how to dispute mistakes on your credit report and how to begin to rebuild good credit.

Publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.


Publication List

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (English)

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (English)

An easy-to-read brochure that explains why having good credit is important, your rights if your credit application is rejected, how to check your credit report, how to dispute mistakes on your credit report and how to begin to rebuild good credit.

Rebuilding Your Credit - Leader’s Guide

Rebuilding Your Credit - Leader’s Guide

A guide to help community-based organizations educate their clients about ways to start rebuilding good credit. Topics include damaged credit, credit reports, mistakes on your credit report, credit repair offers, debt consolidation, co-signed loans, secured credit cards, credit counseling, bankruptcy and how to keep your good credit.

Rebuilding Good Credit - Seminar Lesson Plan Packet

Rebuilding Good Credit - Seminar Lesson Plan Packet

This packet provides guidance for teachers and team leaders. The packet contains a detailed curriculum, classroom activities and take home worksheets. (Note: It is only available as a PDF file.)

Rebuilding Good Credit - PowerPoint Training Slides (English)

Rebuilding Good Credit - PowerPoint Training Slides (English)

The Rebuilding Good Credit PowerPoint training file is available for download in the “Download File” section.

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Spanish)

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Spanish)

Un folleto fácil de leer que explica por qué es importante tener buen crédito, sus derechos si su aplicación de crédito es rechazada, cómo obtener su informe crediticio, cómo corregir errores en su informe crediticio y cómo comenzar a reconstruir su crédito.

Rebuilding Good Credit - PowerPoint Training Slides (Spanish)

Rebuilding Good Credit - PowerPoint Training Slides (Spanish)

El archivo de la presentación en PowerPoint del seminario Mejore su crédito está disponible en la sección “Download File”.

Rebuilding Good Credit - Class activities (Spanish)

Rebuilding Good Credit - Class activities (Spanish)

Este archivo en PDF contiene traducciones en español de las actividades para hacer en clase y los ejercicios para hacer en casa tomados del plan de enseñanza en inglés Rebuilding Good Credit.

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Korean)

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Korean)

이 소책자는 좋은 크레딧의 중요성, 여러분의 크레딧 신청이 거부됐을 경우의 여러분의 권리, 크레딧 리포트를 체크하는 요령, 여러분의 크레딧 리포트상의 오류에 대한 이의 제기, 그리고 좋은 크레딧을 다시 쌓는 요령 등에 대해 설명하고 있습니다.

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Vietnamese)

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Vietnamese)

Một cẩm nang dễ hiểu giải thích sự quan trọng trong việc giữ tín dụng tốt, quyền lợi của quý vị khi bị bác tín dụng, làm sao kiểm soát bản báo cáo tín dụng, và làm thế nào để tranh cãi những sai lầm trong bản báo cáo tín dụng, và làm thế nào để cải tiến hạnh kiểm tín dụng.

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Chinese)

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Chinese)



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