Oil execs plead poverty as Californians suffer near record gas prices

Consumer Action unveils three new editorial cartoons


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Special Note to Editors: Attached are cartoons by Steve Greenberg who has granted full permission to publish without charge. High-resolution versions for print are also available by request. [Click here to download a zip file with the cartoons in .jpg file format.]

SAN FRANCISCO – Sept. 6, 2012 – Even after the Labor Day holiday weekend, drivers are breaking out their credit cards to pay near record high gasoline prices at the pump. Oil companies blame Hurricane Isaac and a recent fire at Chevron’s Richmond Refinery, but Consumer Action – a leading consumer rights organization – says the industry is pocketing huge profits while saying it can’t afford to meet its clean air commitments.

“Big oil is pocketing billions in profits and taking billions more in consumer-funded government subsidies as they claim clean air standards in California are too expensive,” said Ken McEldowney, Executive Director of Consumer Action. “We’re calling their bluff—California families are the ones who are hurting right now, not fat cat oil executives.”

To help illustrate the challenges faced by consumers, Consumer Action commissioned three editorial illustrations by cartoonist Steve Greenberg (see below) and pulled together a compilation of 20 years worth of oil industry false claims [click to download our "Cry Wolf" PDF fact sheet].


Depicts California consumers tied up in a yo-yo always paying for Big Oil's screw-ups and price hikes that earn oil companies more profits.

Defying Gravity

Depicts how Big Oil cares more about profits and high prices than safety and cleaner fuels.

You Pay

Shows the perverse lessons oil companies have learned to always make the consumer pay for their mistakes.

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About Consumer Action

Consumer Action has been a champion of underrepresented consumers nationwide since 1971. A nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, Consumer Action focuses on financial education that empowers low to moderate income and limited-English-speaking consumers to financially prosper. It also advocates for consumers in the media and before lawmakers to advance consumer rights and promote industry-wide change.



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