Why veto children’s health care funding?


Source: Tom Chamberlain and John Sweeney* [Statesman Journal]

The single most compelling reason to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is also the simplest: It’s the right thing to do. But the moral argument doesn’t seem to hold much sway with President Bush or his allies in Congress these days. Neither does basic fairness. These are basic American values and they have been all but abandoned. Recently, working men and women from across Oregon came together to change all that. On issues like the freedom to form unions, affordable health care and basic economic fairness, we have tried to change our leaders’ minds. Now we will work to change our leaders. The president’s decision to veto funding for children’s health insurance is the latest and starkest example of misplaced priorities and values that fall short of the greatness of our country. [Note: Tom Chamberlain, Oregon AFL-CIO president, and national AFL-CIO president John Sweeney co-authored this piece.]

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