Financial and retirement planning at your doorstep

Webinars held in financial education by Consumer Action and NEFE
Published: Monday, September 05, 2016

Consumer Action and the non-profit National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) have joined forces to offer an ongoing webinar series for our network partners. The series cover tips, tools, workshops and resources to help consumers manage their money and plan for retirement. The series also aids our partners in effectively delivering financial education to underserved audiences while empowering this population to make the best decisions based on their values and unique circumstances.

The first webinar in the series was held last month and the remaining two sessions will be held this month.

Last month’s Smart About Money (SAM) webinar was facilitated by Peggy Muldoon, project manager of consumer education at NEFE. If you’re interested in learning more, the topics covered in the webinar are offered year-round through free online courses that contain in-depth personal financial advice, budgeting calculators, e-learning modules and tips to help consumers manage their money through life’s ups and downs.

If you conduct financial education trainings within the community or provide direct services (e.g., one-on-one counseling, coaching or case management), you won’t want to miss this month’s trainings, which explore the benefits of using financial workshop kits in your education program and introduce you to NEFE's retirement planning resources.

The Financial Workshop Kits webinar asks: Are you dedicated to helping people manage their finances? Financial Workshop Kits can help you reach out to the community by providing the tools and resources needed to deliver financial education information to underserved audiences. Register now for one of the following sessions:

Sept. 9 at 9 a.m. PT/12 noon ET

Sept. 9 at 12 noon PT/3 p.m. ET

The Retirement Resources webinar prompts you to learn about NEFE’s retirement resources, including My Retirement Paycheck, a consumer website focused on retirement decision-making. The decision areas highlighted on the site include work, Social Security, home and mortgage, insurance, retirement plans, savings and investments, debt and fraud. The webinar will also explore the Retirement Series, a set of eight workshop kits (following each of the eight decision areas highlighted in My Retirement Paycheck) that can be used by educators and facilitators to conduct community workshops. Register now for one of the following sessions:

Sept. 13 at 9 a.m. PT/12 noon ET or Sept. 13 at 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET.

Each webinar will repeat twice on the training date. You do not need to register for both sessions on the same date, as the content will be the same. You will have the ability to save the event in your time zone at registration. If you have questions regarding the webinars, please contact Audrey Perrott.




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