Consumer Action supports FCC privacy proposal

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Washington, DC—The internet service providers and mobile broadband carriers that consumers do business with have access to highly personal data about customers' private activities and communications. "Subscribers have no choice but to provide some information in order to get service," said Linda Sherry of Consumer Action. "Outside of service provision, customers should have absolute, opt-in control over what happens to their data."

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), recognizing that consumers should not have to choose between going online and enjoying privacy protection, has proposed a rule to allow ISP customers  to control who has access to information about them. Internet service providers—fixed and mobile—are geared up to oppose the FCC's proposal and have sent letters to the Hill in advance of today's hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law focusing on the FCC's proposed privacy rules. (Watch live on

Consumer Action is urging the FCC to give internet service users even more control over how (and if) their information is used and shared. We favor an "opt in" approach for any uses other than providing service. We have created an opportunity for consumers who agree to sign our joint comment letter to the FCC.

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Through multilingual consumer education materials, community outreach and issue-focused advocacy, Consumer Action empowers underrepresented consumers nationwide to assert their rights in the marketplace and financially prosper.




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